Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Forth Querter Goals of 2009

This quarter, I will try to get an A+ in your class. In order to achieve this, I will have to at less get C’s and B’s on test. I will also try to study harder on so I can get a good grade on my tests and do all my class work and homework. This quarter, I will not to take back to the teacher. In order to achieve this, I will try not to talk back to her even though she gets me mad and just try to be respectful. This quarter, I will try to ask someone for help if I need help In order to achieve this, I will have to ask my house parents or the teacher and also I would ask one of my peers for help if no one can help me just then ill just try to do it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

title (spelling)
spelling ("talk")
capitalize proper nouns (I'll)