Monday, February 23, 2009

25 things about me

1.) I like looking in the mirror because i look beautiful.
2.)I like to be out of the house because in my house is really boring.
3.)I like going to the park because its fun walking around the park.
4.)What i like doing on my free time is go hang out with friends and go to party's.
5.)I like to listen to hip-hop ,rap and sometimes r&b.
6.)My favorite artiest are Chris brown,Ashanti,and Amanda Perez.
7.)My favorite food is mexican food because i like how it taste like.
8.)My favorite actor is Brad Pitt because he is hot.
9.)My favorite actiest is Angelina Jolie because i like all her cool movies and acts.
10.)My favorite sport is soccer because its fun play soccer.
11.)My favorite show is From G's to Gents.
12.)What i like eating for breakfast is hot Cheetos.
13.)My favorite movie is Glitter because Mariah Carey was in it.
14.)My favorite subject at school is P.E.
15.) I like to put make-up because its fun putting it on.
16.)I hate donig homework because its so boring and a waste of time.
17.)I dont like going to school because its really boring.
18.)I am a fosrter kid and i like at San Pasqual Academy.
19.)I am 15 years old my birthday is on November 30.
20.)I got in the systom when i was 8 years old and i was living with my grandma.
21.)My favorite kind of shoes are Vans and nicks.
22.)The last movie that i saw at the movie theters was Bloody Valentine.
23.My favorite thing is going shopping.
24.) My favorite class is kates and matts class.
25.)I like to ditch my youth group.

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